
Too much to do...not enough time!!!

By trinityridge in uncategorized

We have done a wedding, bridals, engagements, and even a boudoir since our last post!  I'm too busy to think and FAR too busy to remember the last time I posted on the blog.  Ooops.  Anyways, our sessions lately have been SO MUCH FUN!  I'm going to post a few from Jessica's wedding because, hey, we're WEDDDING photographers.  LOL.  (As if that's all we do...)  But, still, weddings take priority here.  Jessica and Jayce's wedding was a bright and early 8 A.M. ceremony.  So funny that they hired me and Dad, since I'm the biggest night owl on the planet!!! ha ha.  But, it's all good - it was a beautiful morning and we had a great time shooting their wedding - such super sweet people.  Here are few of our faves from their big day!

Melissa and Loren in Eureka Springs

By trinityridge in uncategorized

I think I might just make a point to be behind on blogging.  Maybe the reverse psychology would work and I could get back on track here!   Ha ha!  Oh well, here are few portraits we took at Melissa and Loren's wedding here in Eureka Springs.  Hopefully, we'll be posting some from Angie and Austin's wedding in Altus soon.  Until then - enjoy!

Life Changes :)

By trinityridge in uncategorized

Life has been changing here at a rapid pace lately.  My mom is going through chemo again (don't worry, everything is fine!) and my sister just had knee surgery and has been staying with me (which I love).  Plus, there have been some changes in my personal life that have made this one of the craziest months of my life to date.  Luckily, I serve a God who loves me unconditionally and is always there for me with an unending supply of comfort and wisdom.  I find that he is a very present help in my times of need.  So, this month, despite its trials - is completely wonderful.  I wake up every morning with hope and a strong desire to be better at life.

As for business, everything is fantastic!  We have several new brides to welcome - Jana, Rachel, and Becca (and Kayse and Melissa who we photographed the last two weekends). :)

Here are a few from Kayse and Rodney's Wedding which was held out by Beaver Lake here in Eureka Springs.  Hope you enjoy them!

Happy Father's Day Dad!

By trinityridge in uncategorized

Ok, so I'm totally late - yes, I get it.  BUT, I wanted to retouch some of Dad's amazing portraits for this post!  My Dad is the absolute best Dad in the world - hands down.  We fill our time together with laughter and nonsense and even meaningful deep conversations.  My Dad is a burst of light on any day that I get to see him.  He still loves me the way I love my six year old, and I'm positive that I still look at him like I did at that age, too.  On my poorest, saddest, lowest day, spending time with my Dad would remind me that I am one of the most fortunate people in the whole world.  Thank you Daddy, for absolutely everything.  This business would not be the fun and amazing job it is without you. :)