
Jeff and Ami's Wedding

By trinityridge in uncategorized

God has really blessed us with a lot of shoots over the last month!  Thought I would take a minute out of editing and post a quick blog on Jeff and Ami's wedding back in September.  Most of our clients and followers get to see these images on facebook not long after the weddings take place - so our blog falls a little behind.  If you want to keep up with our shoots as they are happening, please add us on facebook at :)

Anyways, here is a sneak peek from Jeff and Ami's wedding.  Let me tell you, we had a wonderful time shooting their wedding.  They were such a genuine and fun couple.  We feel so blessed to have clients like them.

Daniel and Alisa's Wedding

By trinityridge in weddings

Wow, my overwhelming busy schedule lately has totally killed the blog!!!  LOL.  I thought I hadn't blogged in a few weeks, but it's been more like a month.  Geez.  Well, I have to say that life is going just beautifully.  I have been through so much this year, I wouldn't even know where to begin.  Still, every day, the sun shines brighter in my world.  Life is good.

Just thought I would take a minute or two to post a few pics from Daniel and Alisa's wedding in September.  Enjoy!

Rachel's Senior Portraits

By trinityridge in seniors

Ok, next in the line up of shoots in August was Rachel's senior session. :)  Senior sessions are a BLAST!!!  Rachel's was no exception - she was so beautiful and tons of fun.  What a wonderful girl inside and out. :)  Anyways, here are just a few from her session that we thought were super cool.  Enjoy!!

Chris and Nicole's E-Session

By trinityridge in engagements

I'm trying to go in chronological order here - but it's been getting difficult! We've had so many shoots lately! :)  Between August and September, we will have done 14 shoots total!!!  Wow, that's a lot.  Anyways, next to go on the blog is Chris and Nicole's engagement session from August.  What a sweet couple they were!  Here are a few of our faves from their shoot here in Eureka Springs.


By trinityridge in uncategorized

Somewhere in the midst of all the wonderful sessions we've done lately, I got the opportunity to do a mini session with an extraordinarily beautiful girl (well, she's a grown woman but anyone younger than me gets called "girl"!).  The session was so much fun - I can't wait to do another one!  Here is a portrait or two from that session. :)